Thursday, November 30, 2006

Judging the Homeless?

We have all heard it a million times - "I feel sorry for the homeless, but I refuse to give them money because I know they will spend it on booze." And yes, they just might. But, I might add, who could blame them? I am not condoning alcoholism or the use of alcohol to avoid reality, but it is certainly understandable how one in their situation might choose to drink, to dull the emotional or physical pain, to make the cold seem a little less cold, to drown the monotony, to forget for a just a little while. Most of us have done the same more than once, right?

But more importantly, who are we to judge them or try to make decisions for them? Who are we to withhold charity because we do not approve of their decisions or lifestyle? Why should we allow are generosity to be conditional? Generosity should never be conditional. This is why I oppose the requirement by some homeless shelters that residents attend religious services and/or pray in order to stay in the shelter.

Of course we should encourage the homeless to make productive, healthy decisions. Of course, we should encourage them to spend their money on food rather than alcohol. But we need to stop judging them. We need to stop trying to make decisions for them. And we need for our compassion to be unconditional. We should not withhold generosity for fear that they might make unwise decisions.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger peacecart said...

You're preaching to the crowd on that one. Along those lines, consider spending a day in their shoes before you decide, judge and label them as "worthless "bums"".


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