Friday, November 03, 2006

Vote early and vote often

The Revolution says Vote No on Prop 2 in Idaho

From Defenders of Wildlife:

Election Day is just four short days away -- and greedy out-of-state developers are trying to pull a fast one on Idaho voters. Don't be fooled by their elaborate and deceptive campaign attacking the protections for our wolves, salmon and other imperiled creatures.Proposition 2 -- the so-called “takings” initiative -- offers a no-win situation for our communities and our wildlife, all for the benefit of profit-hungry special interests.If passed, greedy developers could skirt the laws that protect our environment or force local communities to pay out millions -- even billions -- to land speculators, corporations and other special interests.
With only four days left before Election Day, here are three simple things you can do to stop Prop 2:

Learn More
Visit our web site to learn more about this harmful measure.

Spread the Word
Forward this email to as many other Idahoans as you can.

On November 7th, do your part to reject Prop 2 -- for our wildlife, our wild places and our communities.Two years ago, voters in Oregon passed a similar measure. Since then, wealthy developers in that state have filed nearly 3000 claims demanding over $5 billion in compensation from local taxpayers. Oregon communities can no longer regulate growth and development in a way that protects their way of life -- and urban sprawl is now a greater threat than ever to the state’s precious wildlife habitat, farmlands and open spaces.It’s such a mess in the state that, according to a recent poll, Oregon voters now oppose the measure by nearly a 2-1 margin.Don’t make the same mistake. Reject Prop 2 this November 7th.If the greedy developers win this fight, our communities and wildlife lose. It’s up to us to stop Prop 2 and ensure Idaho's wildlife and communities get the protection they deserve. VOTE NO on PROP 2 -- it is one of the best things you can do this November 7th to protect local communities and our wildlife.For more information,
please visit our web site. Please don’t forget to forward this message on to all your friends, family, and neighbors in Idaho.

From Idaho Conservation League:

Vote to Protect Clean Air, Clean Water, and Quality of Life on November 7!
By voting NO on Proposition Two, you will be protecting Idaho.
Proposition Two could cost taxpayers millions if not billions of dollars.
Proposition Two allows speculators to dodge local land laws putting our quality of life at risk.
Proposition Two is being funded by New York City tycoon Howard Rich. It is not for Idaho, and its costly for taxpayers.
Proposition Two will change the character of our neighborhoods and rural lands forever. We cannot let outsiders do that to Idaho.
Vote NO on Proposition Two on November 7.
For more information on Proposition Two, go to .


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