Wednesday, October 25, 2006

In Cahoots?

I really hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist. I shy away from tales of secret deals between world giants and power giants. But this seems too coincidental to ignore.

Noticed that gas prices have dropped dramatically in the past few weeks? And why? Generally, gas prices are dependent on the stability of world oil supplies and the greed of Big Oil executives. Now we know the second factor hasn't changed. But the first factor, if anything, has gotten worse in the past months. So in theory, and following time-tested supply and demand economics, the price of gas should have RISEN recently.

Instead, we have seen a dramatic drop in gas prices in the past few weeks. The past few weeks, leading up to an election. The past few weeks, in which House and Senate seats thought to be solidly in Republican corners are hotly contested. The past few weeks, in which the Republicans' deathgrip on the US Congress appears to be in serious jeopardy.

How could this happen? Statistics consistently show that Big Oil contributes to political candidates at an astronomical amount and rate. They also show that Big Oil tends to contribute to Republican candidates over Democratic candidates at a rate of nearly 3 1/2 to 1. Clearly, Big Oil is solidly in the Republican camp.

We could write books about how the Republican leaders are Big Oil's bitches.

Big Oil has allies in the White House and Congress, who support more oil over alternative energy sources, support drilling efforts over conservation efforts, support tax breaks for the wealthy and big business over individuals and the middle class, and support deregulation of environmental standards over protecting the environment.

Big Oil remains Big Oil with a Republican congress. Big Oil can read polls and feel what we all feel, which is that the tide may be changing and the Republicans may be out on their asses. It's about fucking time. Big Oil knows that Americans are becoming more aware of the poor state of affairs, and the poor state of the economy, under Republican rule. All of which bodes very poorly for Big Oil's opportunity to continue to fleece the people, the country and the planet for trillions in profits.

They must keep the power status quo. So, the Powers-That-Be in Big Oil agree to drop prices, dramatically increasing that ever-elusive presidential "approval factor" by artificially manipulating public perception of the reality of the economy in favor of Republicans. Historically, the gas pump is one of the first places where the consumer forms their public opinion of the economy.

In other words, dramatically lower gas prices equates to a happier populus, which equates to less voter dissatisfaction, which leads to lower turnout at the polls and a decreased "throw-the-bums-out" attitude. All of which provides substantial assistance to the Republican hold on power.

But wait a minute, I'm suggesting that the Big Oil tycoons voluntarily lose profits. Hard to believe, right? Not if you consider the long term, the Big Picture, the stakes they hold in the Oil War Game. In the long run, keeping the Oil Whore Republican party in power tips the cost-benefit analysis so far in their favor, it's a wonder they don't engage in this type of abhorrent behavior more often.

...Or maybe they do ...


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