Monday, September 25, 2006

War on the Poor

"Bush does not seem to understand that, while it is not a sin to be born to privilege, it is a sin to spend your life defending it. John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt understood that. They knew the narrowness privilege can breed. This administration, despite its early pledges of "compassionate conservatism," has in fact adopted policies that amount to a war against the poor and the middle class.

The Bush tax and budget cuts were not made in order to jump-start the economy or balance the budget; they were simply massive cash transfers. Social programs are being slashed to pay for the war in Iraq, tax giveaways for the wealthy, and new defense contracts for arms makers who just happen to be big Republican campaign contributors."

from Campaign 2006: The Issues, the Stakes, the Prospects
Commentary: The choices are stark, the consequences are momentous.
By Arthur I. Blaustein
September 19, 2006


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