If At First You Don't Succeed ...
... Lie and Cheat
The Bush administration used illegal wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping techniques on Americans, all in the name of "fighting terrorism". They were rebuked by the courts, and told in no uncertain terms that such actions were illegal and in violation of the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The Bush administration imposed illegal detentions without due process of law and used illegal and immoral torture techniques on detainees, all in the name of "fighting terrorism". They were rebuked by the courts, and told in no uncertain terms that such actions were illegal and in violation of Geneva Conventions and time-honored military protocol.
So ...
Bush plays the terror and fear card, again, lies about the threat as well as the devil lurking in the details of his proposed legislation, and tries to do what he has already been told by the highest courts of the land is illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, or all of the above. In other words, he tries to cheat rather than play by the rules.
The first piece of legislation would ratify the illegal NSA warrantless spy and wiretapping program, allowing warrantless spying on Americans with no judicial oversight. (Anyone remember "checks and balances" from 7th grade Social Studies? Yeah, uh, Bush was gone that day, sneaking booze from his Dad's liquor cabinet)
The second piece of legislation would modify the Geneva Conventions to Bush's twisted and illegal interpretation. Now, Sen. Frist has proposed legislation (S. 3886) which combines these two little slices of evil into one single fascist power grab.
Be afraid, people, be very afraid.
sources from The Revolution
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